Weekend in Basel

We just got back from a quick but fun weekend trip to Basel, Switzerland.  A few take-aways from the trip:

  • Switzerland is expensive (they aren't on the Euro).
  • Natalie enjoys eating liver.
  • Soft pretzels are appropriate with any meal.
  • You should always bring your passport when you cross international lines (the Basel metro area spans Switzerland, France and Germany).  

We had 3 main stops: 

  1. The Vitra Design Museum which was super cool. The Vitra company builds high-end/designer furniture and their production/assembly campus includes buildings by multiple Pritzker winning architects. 
  2. Blindekuh (dinner in the dark): a restaurant that started in Zurich as a way to employ people with vision problems. We opted for the "dinner for two" option which mean we sat in a room that was pitch black and ate four courses of complete surprises (everything except the wine); there was absolutely no light: anything that could give off light (phones, watches, etc.) had to be left in a locker outside the dinning room.  It was great experience and made us both very thankful to have our vision. The food was pretty good too.
  3. The Basler Papiermühle: the Swiss Museum of Paper, Writing and Printing was highly ranked on Tripadvisor and lived up to it's expectations. The building containing the museum was built over 500 years ago and houses loads of interesting machines, tools and information about all things related to the creation of paper (e.g. how it used to be made out of old rags), type-setting, and book-binding.